Experts in Distressed Business Situations

TRA professionals have decades of experience in addressing the multitude of issues facing owners of or investors in distressed businesses.

If you need to understand your options in an increasingly complex business environment, we are here to assist.  TRA can quickly assess your capital and cash needs, and assist you in navigating through complex situations.

We act as Chief Restructuring officers, receivers and trustees. We work with owners, investors and management in analyzing business and legal options, capital needs, in court and out of court restructurings, negotiations with lenders and other important constituencies. We have assisted many investors seeking to place capital in these businesses or acquiring ownership of the business or its assets.

Ask us how we can help you.

Delay can be deadly. Do not wait to consider your options – this will simply decrease your options and thus your likelihood of success.

We may live in uncertain times, but there are options and even opportunities, and the sooner you speak with our professionals the more options you will have.